["A0S01071": "Yiddish and Hebrew", "A0S01111": "The orphanage on Krochmalna Street", "A0S01211": "A poor student", "A0S01221": "A famous educator", "A1S04081": "The CENTOS", "A2S11011": "Contraband", "A2S11023": "Ghetto shmooglers", "A2S15011": "Typhus", "A2S15031": "Frequent murders", "A2S15071": "Adina Szwajger cares for the children", "A2S18011": "Children in the Ghetto.", "A2S20012": "Education in the Ghetto", "A2S23011": "Youth movements in the Ghetto", "A2S26011": "The Dying Prince", "A2S26021": "The Dying Prince", "A3S02012": "First roundups", "A3S02161": "Adina Szwajger during roundups", "A3S04011": "Orphans are deported", "A3S08071": "I remember nothing more", "A3S10081": "Adina Szwajger after roundups", "A4S06051": "The Zegota", "A7S02021": "Adina Szwajger looks after hidden children", "A7S04022": "Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot", "EP10": "Adam Czerniakow", "EO28": "Children"]